A class that represents what the player can interact with in one room of a map.

Each room has an inventory of WObjects that can be of any extending class such as Item or NPC. These are the objects with which a Player can interact.

The description parameter is displayed when a Player enters that room, and the longDescription parameter is called when a Player uses the command Look

Each room also holds the rooms adjacent as exits. Each exit is either open or closed and is set by the corresponding method. In this way, a room can have multiple exits, but only allow the player to freely traverse an exit if the exit door is not blocked/locked or barred in any way.


package: constructs;




Creates a new Room object with a default name, description, and long description

Room(String name)

Creates a new Room object with the given name and a default description and long description

Room(String name, String description)

Creates a new Room object with the given name and description and a default long description.

Room(String name, String description, String longDescription)

Creates a new Room object with the given name, description, and longDescription


void setLongDesc(String long_description)

Sets the long description of this Room to long_description

void setExitClosed(Direction d)

Sets the exit in the Direction d as closed.

void setExitOpen(Direction d)

Sets the exit in the Direction d as open

void setExitStatus(Direction d, Boolean val)

Sets the exit in the Direction d to the value of val

void addInv(WObject o)

Adds an object to the ‘inventory’ of this room.

WObject removeInv(WObject o)

Removes and returns the return object from this room.

String getLongDesc()

Returns the long description of this room. Used primarily in the command Look

ArrayList getInv()

Returns an ArrayList of WObjects of the interactables in the room.

Room getExitRoom(Direction d)

Returns the Room in the Direction specified if it exists.

Returns null if there is no Room associated with that Direction.

Boolean getExitStatus(Direction d)

Returns a Boolean object indicating whether the Player can freely exit in the Direction d.

Returns null if there is no exit in that Direction.

HashMap<Direction, Room> getExitsMap()

Returns a map of all exits (regardless if the exit is freely traversable) from this Room.

HashMap<Direction, Boolean> getExitsOpenMap()

Returns a map of all exits from this room and their traversable status.

WObject getItemFromInventory(String name)

Tries to return the WObject from this Room with the given name.

Returns null if the object cannot be found.

boolean has(WObject o)

Returns true if this room contains the WObject o; false otherwise.

boolean has(String name)

Returns true if this room contains a WObject with the same name as name